Jeffrey Larson
Professional Massage Therapy / Personal Training

About Me

I am a graduate of the National Holistic Institute A College of Massage Therapy, 1250 Hour Massage Therapist / Health Educator program.

Highlights of Qualifications

  • National Holistic Institute College of Massage Therapy, 1250 Hours 

  • Member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

  • 17 years in private practice providing wellness solutions for clients

  • Morpheus Certified Conditioning Coach

  • N.E.S.T.A. Certified Personal Trainer

  • N.E.S.T.A Certified Nutrition Coach

  • RKC Level 1 and 2 (Russian Kettlebell Certified)

  • FMS Functional Movement Specialist

  • IMS Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • FMT (Rocktape) Basic and Advanced

  • FMT (Rockblades) Basic and Advanced 

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